Irelands #1 SEO Company

SEO Cork

The #1 Cork SEO & Web Design Agency. We achieve significant rankings in 90 days or you pay nothing.

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Cork SEO Expert
Rank on Google

My name is Donal O'Connell, I am a professional progammer and search engine optimization expert with a BSc in Computer Systems. I help businesses generate leads and increase their rankings through SEO & building hand-coded websites that out-perform page builders.

Everything I build is hand-coded from the ground up, this provides a huge advantage in the area of technical SEO by ensuring a superior level of mobile optimization and faster page speeds then can be achieved using simple page builders such as Wordpress.

  • Rank #1 on Google

    Using our advanced SEO strategies, you can increase your websites ranking and visibility

  • Long Term Success

    We will provide you with the tools and information needed to keep sustained long term success.

SEO Expert & Programmer Donal O'Connell
@acutisseo This is how we used Keyword Research + Google Ads + An optimised landing page to make this cleaning company successful from day one #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #seo #webdesign #leadgeneration #googleads #landingpage ♬ original sound - acutisseo
@acutisseo 🚀 SEO Tips: How we found the perfect blog to write that brought in 1000s of clicks and booked tons of jobs.🚀 #SEO #searchengineoptimization #webdesign #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur ♬ original sound - acutisseo

Carpet Cleaning landing page we made brought in over $9k in revenue in just one month! 🚀 This is why the landing page worked so well. #googleads #leadgeneration #leadgenerationstrategy #leadgenerationtips #seo #webdesign #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship

♬ original sound - acutisseo
Cork SEO Agency - Case Study

We helped this Cork Moving Company rank #1 on Google

Read this case study to learn the exact process we followed to achieve a top ranking for this Cork moving company. Their most profitable keyword brings in €2000 worth of free traffic every year.

We outline our blueprint for success covering the following topics :

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Technical SEO
  • SEO Content
    Cork SEO Keyword Research

    Why Is Keyword Research necessary for SEO?

    The goal of keyword research is to discover the search terms your customers type into Google when looking for your services, in other terms we are looking to identify commercial and high volume keywords.

    • Save Money on Ads

      Identifying the exact keywords your potential customers are using to find your products and services allows you finetune you Google Ads campaigns with pinpoint accuracy.

    • Get Easy Rankings

      A full keyword research campaign is the best way to identify low competition, high value keywords that can be used easily achieve more traffic to your website.

    • Efficiency & Savings

      Don't waste valuable resources attempting to rank for search terms that have little to no search volume. You can trim unprofitable keywords and direct your budget at the highest ROI keywords.

    Book A Cork SEO Consultation
    SEO Cork

    How we perform keyword research

    Our keyword research begins by taking a full list of a businesses services and the areas in which they provide those services. With the help of SEO tools we then find out what keywords are related to the listed services. Our next step is too find the monthly search volume of each keyword in each of the targetted service areas. We gather all the necessary information such as CPC and Keyword Intent.

    Once we have a compiled a clear picture of the keyword data, our next step is to perform an SEO analysis of competitor websites. This will allow us to accurately record the difficulty and expense of ranking for each keyword. The result of this work is a detailed keyword research report will allows business owners to make an informed decision on how to use their SEO & Google Ads budget, targetting the keywords with the highest ROI.

    Cork SEO
    SEO Cork

    Our Cork SEO Projects Are Powered By The Latest Data

    Our keyword research is pivotal in shaping the strategy applied to each individual Cork SEO project.

    We peform an indepth analysis to find and target the most profitable keywords for your business. We will provide you with a straight forward plan to out-rank the competition.

    Request A Free Keyword Research Document
    Cork SEO Keyword Research
    Web design Ireland case study

    Brand New Irish Cleaning Company Becomes An Instant Success Using Our Data Driven PPC methods

    Read More
    SEO Backlink Strategy

    Are Backlinks important for SEO?

    Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are hyperlinks on one website that point to another website. They play a fundamental role in SEO because they serve as a form of endorsement or recommendation from one website to another. When a high-quality and authoritative website, like The New York Times or RTE, links to another site, it can significantly boost the recipient site's authority and search engine rankings. Building high-quality backlinks is crucial for SEO success. The approach to link building, including the quality and quantity of backlinks, can affect pricing. Obtaining authoritative backlinks may require more investment.

    SEO Cork Backlinks

    Some Of The Amazing Backlinks We Have Sourced For Clients

    Cork SEO Backlink Strategy

    How do you obtain SEO Backlinks?

  • Quality Content: Creating high-quality, informative, and valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites
  • Guest Posting: Writing informative guest posts for reputable websites in your niche, typically with a link back to your site in the author bio or within the content itself.
  • Outreach and Relationship Building: Building relationships with influencers, bloggers, and other website owners in your industry and seeking opportunities for them to link to your content.
  • Content Promotion: Actively promoting your content through social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach a wider audience and increase the likelihood of organic backlinks.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with other businesses or websites in your industry to create valuable resources, which can lead to natural backlinks.
  • About Us

    What to expect from our Cork SEO services

    We are transparant about our methods with the simple goal of getting your website a higher ranking and providing you with an exceptional ROI.

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      On Page SEO

      We don't use page builders. Our websites are hand-coded by web designers to ensure you get an edge over your competitors.

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      Technical SEO

      Our websites are built with a mobile first approach. This allows us to provide perfect mobile optimisation with our web design.

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      Off Page SEO

      All of our web design projects are designed to target and rank in search engines for highly profitable relevant keywords


    SEO Analysis Breakdown

    The are several factors we have to take into account when analyzing a websites SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We will look into the websites On Page SEO, Off Page SEO, Technical Factors and analyze the competition.

    On Page SEO

    On Page SEO is the process of optimizing elements on web pages for search engines. In addition to writing relevant, high-quality content, on-page SEO includes optimizing your HTML code (title, meta, and header) and including clear, high quality images relevant to the topic of the web page.

    1. Quality Content
    2. This involves checking the quality of the copywriting on the webpage. We would check for basic things such as spelling errors and if the content is relevant to the topic of the web page. It is also very important to include as much information as possible that could be relevant to people who land on the page. This will decrease the websites bounce rate and increase each users dwell time.

    3. Code Structure
    4. A properly structured website is a website that is built not only for users, but for Google. This involves the using the correct HTML tags and putting them in the right places of a webpage. Many websites that are built with WordPress have their SEO destroyed because the developer does not understand how to correctly structure HTML tags. This is one of many reasons why hand-coded websites made by a professional programmers out-perform WordPress templates. The most important HTML tag on a web page is the H1 tag. You should only have one H1 tag per web page and include your main keyword in this tag to let Google know the topic of the webpage.

    5. Quality Images
    6. It is important that all images on the website are high quality and optimized. The process of optimizing an image includes splitting the image into three different sizes. One size for desktops, one for tablets and one for mobile devices. It is important to then compress and convert those images to the WEBP format. Many websites are very slow because they load massive images and then scale down those images for mobiles, instead of using code to simply serve a smaller image based on the screen size of the device using the website.

    7. EAT
    8. E-E-A-T in SEO stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Googles puts the most authoritative sources at the top of the search results. It's important to include a detailed about page on your website with user reviews to show Google who you are and why you should be considered an authority in your niche

    9. Keyword Cannabilization
    10. Keyword cannibalization is when multiple pages on a website target the same or similar keywords. This will lead to your web pages competing against each other for the same set of keywords. This can hurt your rankings for the keywords experiencing this issue, and it can occasionally signal an opportunity to consolidate content to improve rankings and organic performance.


    Off-Page SEO

    Incorporating off-page SEO into a blog is crucial for improving a website's search engine rankings. This technique encompasses a range of strategies, including link building, guest posting, and social media marketing, among others. The ultimate aim of off-page SEO is to boost a website's perceived trustworthiness and authority, both in the eyes of search engines and its users. This, in turn, can lead to increased visibility and traffic.

    1. Backlink Profile
    2. Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are hyperlinks on one website that point to another website. They play a fundamental role in SEO because they serve as a form of endorsement or recommendation from one website to another. When a high-quality and authoritative website, like The New York Times, links to another site, it can significantly boost the recipient site's authority and search engine rankings. Backlinks can be obtained through guest posting, content promotion or by making Partnerships and Collaborations.

    3. Local SEO
    4. Building an optimized Google My Business profile is a fantastic way to improve your EEAT signal to Google. Optimizing your GMB using Local SEO methods is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website

    5. Reviews
    6. Reviews are very important for local service based businesses and act as a massive trust signal for both users and search engines. It's important to actively respond to all reviews and encourage customers to leave feedback on Google. Below is an example of an optimized GMB.

    7. Social Media Marketing
    8. In the realm of Google ranking factors, social media does not directly influence rankings. However, it serves as an excellent platform for garnering greater visibility. When a larger audience on social media shares your content, the likelihood of acquiring more links to that particular piece of content increases. Even in the absence of direct linking, the increased visibility yields benefits by generating additional attention. This heightened attention subsequently results in more branded searches and mentions, which can be advantageous for your online presence.

    Get Started Today

    SEO & Web Design Services in Cork

    Looking for web design in Ireland? Our in house team hand-code websites that look and perform better then amatuer WordPress / Wix websites. Read Why hand-coded websites out-perform page builders.


    Cork SEO Pricing

    Having trouble deciding on an Cork SEO package? Contact us today and one of our Cork SEO consultants will be able to guide you through your decision, or read our guide on SEO Costs Ireland.


      Our Cork SEO Jumpstart package serves as a strong introduction to the world of Search Engine Optimization. This one time fee will aid in the pursuit of gathering new leads and generating real profit.

      €497 SEO Package Details
      • 1 Keyword Group
      • Up to 10 Keywords
      • Full SEO Management
      • Competitor Analysis
      • Website Analysis
      • Keyword Research
      • Title Tags Optimization
      • Title Tags Optimization
      • META Tags Optimization
      • Content Optimization
      • Internal Linking Optimization
      • Back Linking
      • Images Optimization
      • Robots.txt Creation
      • Sitemap Creation
      • Content Creation
      • Submission to Google Search Console

      We will provide the below services and provide you 12-15 high quality backlinks each month.

      €1500/mo Website Package Details
      • 2 Keyword Groups
      • Up to 50 Keywords
      • Fully hand-coded website included in three month contract
      • Full SEO Management
      • Competitor Analysis
      • Website Analysis
      • Keyword Research
      • Title Tags Optimization
      • Title Tags Optimization
      • META Tags Optimization
      • Content Optimization
      • Internal Linking Optimization
      • Back Linking
      • Images Optimization
      • Robots.txt Creation
      • Sitemap Creation
      • Content Creation
      • Submission to Google Search Console

    Frequently Asked Web Design Questions

    • There’s not one single answer to this question. A website design is quoted based on the needs of each individual project. Every website is unique and requires different components; we design and develop custom websites specifically for your business. We’ll ask a lot of questions, assess your needs, and give you a price quote based on that assessment. Our smallest package starts at $97/mo. Please contact us at to get the quote process started

    • Our standard timeline is 3 weeks to complete a website but this depends on the project since the size and pace of any project is set by each client. How much input you can provide during the initial stages, your feedback, how soon the content is provided – all this affects the speed of completion. The functionality and revisions required will also play a role in your timeline.

    • No! We work with clients all over the world and can communicate by email, scheduled calls and Zoom meetings.

    • We have packages to provide all the support you need to ensure your website is always up to date. You can always reach out to us make a change for free if your on the Silver or Gold packages, we also provide long-term support for our One-Time Payment customers.

    • Absolutely! Having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever and a huge Google search ranking factor! Our hand-coded websites are perfectly optimised for mobile devices and outperform every page builder by a huge margin.

    • We require that you provide all of the text content for your website. You are the expert on your business, so it’s always best if it comes from you. However we will guide on you the keywords you should include to make sure your website gets as much eyes as possible.

    • Yes! we work with all types of businesses – new, small, to big corporations. We are excited to work and guide new businesses who are passionate about taking their first steps into an online presence and making their vision come to life.

    • Contact us by email at with your website details (current or new project), and any sample websites to reference. Upon review, we will provide an estimate for your project or schedule a call to discuss further.

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    Web Design & SEO Services Designed to Bring You Leads

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